Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Artist Influence-Jason deCaires-Sampling Unit

The past couple of days I have been researching artists for inspiration in my own work. I found this artist when working on my contextual study unit. These images are of an artist called Jason deCaires Taylor who is a sculpture that places he work underneath water, such as the sea.  I found Jason decaires Taylor in an article in ‘Green Places’ magazine (Journals/Magazines in the Library).  In the article was a brief interview with the artist, where he explains how his work is about everyday people and situations created into stone sculptures, then put underwater to see what affect the environment  has on them. These images are of his current work situated in the Mexican sea.


More sampling with embroidery and hand processes.


I have been sampling using hand processes, these samples are created by using French knots. I intend to use Piccadilly fountains as a starting point to my project and hope that I can translate them into experimental stitch. Here I have scanned some of the French knot samples and have used a setting on the scanner to give me a more of a digital affect. 

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Picadilly Gardens-Origins

Piccadilly gardens is a concrete jungle with a small amount of grassed area but I plan to gather information and imagery to influence my own. I wouldn't usually pick a particular place to work on but for this brief I am going to try and step outside my comfort zone.  My work is usually based around the outdoors and my surroundings,this comes from my interest for natural forms. Piccadilly Gardens is called a garden but not your typical garden and not the sort of garden I would usually be interested towards. The gardens are situated between shops and trams and are a busy place for people to stop and have a break, but this would not be a stop to admire the view as there just simply isn’t any. People are more likely to stop when having a break from work or to generally people watch. This can be a busy place during the summer. The most interesting part about the gardens for me is the central fountain and this  is what has started some ideas.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Object Project-Bristol

This is using 2d shapes from drawings -changed into 3d shapes

This sunflower was given to me by close neighbour who knew that I had an interest in nature 2010.